
CASE STUDY: Event-driven architectures in production: finally putting digitalisation horsepower on the road!

Many companies suffer from their historically grown IT landscape and its rigid structures. Event-driven architectures and brokers provide a new approach to networking IT and OT systems in a scalable manner. In this way, the potential of digital transformation and Industry 4.0 can finally be utilised. The technology, its use and potential will be presentedRead more

(5) CHALLENGE YOUR PEERS: Why is it worth thinking about and applying low-code solutions in SMEs?

What opportunities do low-code solutions offer to effectively digitalise production? What challenges can be solved in terms of employee motivation, transparency and speed of response and what opportunities arise from this? What advantages can a low-code approach have and why can this be a step towards integration into existing systems (cost-intensive adjustments)?Read more

3 | Icebreaker Session: What if we actually have too much data? How to make sure to focus on relevant data only?

How to deal with data scattered across different systems of different partners in the digital supply chain?  How to continuously integrate and consolidate data?  What are the best tools and technologies to distill the relevant data for easy interpretation and real-time forecasting and decision-making?Read more

CASE STUDY: Optimizing Asset and Maintenance Management with the 5S Approach – Early Equipment Management and CMMS Master Data

The presentation will address the crucial aspects of Asset & Maintenance Management within the frameworks of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0. It will explore how the 5S approach can anchor a robust Asset and Maintenance Management strategy, fostering efficiency and a culture of continuous improvement. The speaker will emphasize the importance of early equipment management,Read more

(4) World Café: How can artificial intelligence (AI) optimally support maintenance technicians in order to minimise machine downtime and increase the efficiency of maintenance teams?

Optimising information provision – What strategies can be used to provide machine-specific information to maintenance technicians in real time and how does this affect the efficiency of maintenance processes? Sharing knowledge within the team – How can the knowledge from the minds of the technicians be shared within the team, and what contribution can AIRead more

CASE STUDY: Low-Budget Digital Shopfloor Progresses – Practical Approaches for Small Units

In the realm of digital transformation, the benefits of data are well-recognized. However, capturing and utilizing this data efficiently remains a challenge, especially for small units within corporate structures. Anja Christmann, Head of Production at ZEISS Group, will discuss cost-effective strategies for digital shopfloor advancements. This talk will highlight two practical approaches: using iPads withRead more

(4) CHALLENGE YOUR PEERS: How can the digitalisation of the final assembly line in production contribute to increasing efficiency and improving quality across all sectors?

What specific challenges and opportunities do you see in the digitalisation of the final assembly line in your company? Which digital technologies and integration strategies have proven to be particularly effective in your production? How do you measure and evaluate the efficiency gains and quality improvements achieved through digitalisation?Read more

CASE STUDY: Ramping up the first digital native factory of Siemens Healthineers – an integrated end-to-end approach

The digitalization of integrated engineering and manufacturing sites is one of the most exciting challenges the manufacturing industry is facing. The complete value chain is influenced by latest technological approaches. All these different puzzle parts must be arranged to create the complete picture and to harvest the advantages of SMART factories. The approach of creatingRead more

Closing Keynote: IIoT as a key player in flexible manufacturing and regarding the connected worker – a case study of the Automotive Industry

IIoT plays a crucial role in enabling flexible manufacturing processes and empowering the connected worker in today’s industrial landscape. It allows greater flexibility in production processes, as machines can be reconfigured and optimized on the fly to meet changing demands. Moreover, IIoT facilitates the concept of the connected worker by providing employees with access toRead more

(5) World Café: How can we sustainably integrate shop floor colleagues and automate monitoring using AI?

How to involve the shopfloor colleagues more?  Approaches to bring more responsibility to them. How to conservate this involvement even for times, where focus is changing?           What shall we do with all the data? How to automize monitoring with AI?Read more