
CASE STUDY: Enabling flexible manufacturing and modular automation with the help of IIoT

A big part of smart manufacturing is the ability to create flexible and reliable production lines. To achieve this, companies are beginning to work on modularization. This allows the line configuration to be rearranged according to the immediate need. Manufacturers are working on automation to replace common tasks, such as transporting products, assembly lines, andRead more


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Get tea, get snacks, make connections and talk with your peers – and have the chance to actively participate in product and service demos on the expo floor.Read more

(1) CONNECTIVITY CAFÉ: What are the key challenges in integrating AIoT solutions with existing industrial infrastructure and legacy systems?

How can AIoT seamlessly interface with legacy industrial control systems and protocols to ensure compatibility? What strategies are effective for retrofitting existing machinery and equipment with IoT sensors for data collection in legacy environments? What challenges arise when transitioning from manual data entry and paper-based processes to real-time data generated by IoT devices? How doRead more


Get your lunch, get some snacks, make contacts, network with your colleagues and use the opportunity to interactively discuss product and service demos on the Expo-Floor.Read more

WORLD CAFÉ ROUND (1) (2) (3)

We start with the first 3 rounds, each round is 30 minutes long. After each round, change the Round Table according to the arrangement of the coffee cups on the back of your name badge.Read more

(A) STREAM Case Study: Driving Digital Transformation on Public transport: A journey through Smart Mobility from smart maintenance to smart operations support

Embark on a transformative journey with Wellington Toapanta as he presents “Driving Digital Transformation in Railways.” Explore the intersection of Intelligent Asset Management and Smart Mobility Solutions, focusing on their pivotal role in revolutionizing public transport. Discover how digital solutions are integrated for route optimization, predictive maintenance, and enhancing passenger services, paving the way forRead more

(B) STREAM Case Study: IoT in the food chain – How not to get lost in variance.

Join us for an illuminating discussion on “IoT in the Food Chain: How Not to Get Lost in Variance.” Delve into the diverse landscape of IoT solutions tailored for each customer, as we provide a concise overview of the current status quo. Explore a compelling case study that showcases the benefits and challenges of implementingRead more

Case Study: Artificial intelligence, IIOT and delivering business impact – A concrete example from Bühler AG

This session will showcase a real-world application of Artificial Intelligence (Deep Learning) in the industrial sector, accompanied by the integration of IIOT (Industrial Internet of Things) technologies to drive business growth and efficiency. Discover valuable insights on how to seamlessly integrate AI and IIOT into your organization’s value proposition, leveraging innovative technologies to unlock newRead more

1 | Icebreaker Session: What impact will increasing automation and the use of autonomous machines have on operations management in manufacturing?

How does the way employees work change in an automated environment? What challenges arise from the integration of autonomous machines? How can companies create new revenue streams through products, data and assets as a service?Read more