
Case Study: Supply Chain Management in the Context of the Urban Air Mobility Market – Challenges and Strategies for Rolls-Royce

This presentation provides insight into Rolls-Royce’s supply chain management strategies in the context of its entry into the emerging urban air mobility market. It sheds light on the challenges and opportunities in areas such as cost and value engineering, scaling prototypes to mass production, and the importance of sustainability in the supply chain, particularly throughRead more

Case Study: From Custom to Mass Production: Data-Driven Analysis as a Value Contributor in Supply Chain Management

 In an era where data is the new gold, the ability to harness it effectively becomes a key competitive edge. This talk sheds light on how data-driven analysis can enhance the value contribution of supply chain management from custom to mass production. We explore the impact on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as lead time,Read more

Case Study: How to successfully implement AI-based solutions in planning and production?

Beyond the 6-step model for the introduction of an AI model (problem description-data selection-model selection-validation-implementation-improvement), we want to discuss together how AI models can usefully complement the demanding tasks of a supply chain planner, a production controller and a production supervisor and how the interaction between AI and humans can be successful. In this session,Read more

Panel Discussion: Rethinking Sales & Operations Planning – How to improve forecast accuracy, strengthen sales adoption and enhance margin performance?

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, the traditional approach to Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) is no longer sufficient. To stay competitive and drive growth, companies must rethink their strategies to improve forecast accuracy, strengthen sales adoption, and enhance margin performance. Join us for a panel discussion where industry experts will share insights on innovativeRead more

Solution Study: Supply Chain Management in times of crisis – Finding the best ways to effectively master volatility

Volatility is a constant issue in supply chain management. Political circumstances such as wars, new tariffs, rapidly changing prices and other concerns involving trade routes might occur in waves that can have a ripple effect across the rest of the supply chain management system. If they are not dealt with as they arise, these concernsRead more

5 | S&OP Café: Rethinking Sales & Operations Planning – How to improve forecast accuracy and make it more data driven?

How to improve forecast accuracy? How can the S&OP Process be made more data driven? Optimization of the communication processes – How do we get people to be committed to a new S&OP process?Read more

3 | Leadership Café: How do cultural and organizational differences influence effective strategies in logistics, leadership, and communication?

How do logistical challenges vary between companies with unique product lines, and what strategies can be employed to effectively address these challenges? What are the key cultural differences in leadership styles between different countries, and how do these differences impact organizational effectiveness? How are errors typically communicated and managed in different organizational cultures, and whatRead more

Keynote: Supply Chain Transformation – What it Takes to Succeed

In this presentation, Björn Neal Kirchner, Corporate Vice President Supply Chain Management at Henkel, will outline the key success factors for a successful supply chain transformation. The talk will highlight the strategic and operational aspects necessary to transform the supply chain in an increasingly complex and dynamic market environment. Emphasis will be placed on technologicalRead more

Solution Study: Integrating smart manufacturing – transforming the value chain for greater impact and resilience

The transformative power of smart manufacturing and digital supply chain, showcasing how integrating technologies like IoT, AI, Robotics and Digital solutions can drastically enhance operational efficiency, product quality, and sustainability. Attendees will explore the key components of smart manufacturing ecosystems, practical insights into successful implementation strategies, and the impact on the global manufacturing landscape. TheRead more

Case Study: Digital Twin for managing complexity – Strategic material allocation in a multi-layered Supply Chain Network

The concept of Digital Twin has emerged as a powerful tool for managing complexity and optimizing strategic material allocation in complex Supply Chain Networks. Leveraging Digital Twin for strategic material allocation improves forecasting accuracy, streamlines inventory management and enhances collaboration with partners, In this session you will learn … How real-time simulation and analysis ofRead more