
CASE STUDY: Entering the next step of the robotic revolution – Creating more flexible and effective production lines

Moving from the 3rd to the 4th robotic revolution to create the future-proof factory   Using the full potential of automation – Potentials of dynamic multi-purpose robots for more flexible and sustainable production lines  What are the specific challenges for Small and Medium Sizes Enterprise and how can they be answered?   Getting insights into real-world businesses cases fromRead more

(3) Continuous Improvement and OpEx Café: Operational Excellence and Leadership / Management Techniques for developing and maintaining the Manufacturing Quality of Suppliers

Challenges in Operational Excellence in the Ford Electronic Manufacturing Supply base How can we utilize human resources at the maximum level? How can we mobilize supplier`s leadership for Continuous Improvement and engaging cross-functional teams? Operational Excellence – What is the way forward to sustain a Zero-Defect Mindset in the manufacturing environment?Read more

CASE STUDY: Reducing Cost and Carbon Footprint with Industrial AI

Voith developed a proprietary AI Algorithm to reduce costs and carbon footprint in industrial processes: Predict quality parameters and optimize production setup / cost and resources Identify maintenance needs early on Predict and protect production interruptions and break events The AI builds an automated digital twin of the entire production/system including the dependencies (based onRead more

CASE STUDY: Process Optimization with Intelligent Automation, RPA and Co-Bots in the Welding Industry

For about two years the use of Co-Bots is booming in the welding industry. Especially for smaller and medium-sized enterprises the technology has a lot to offer. Not only is their acquisition cheaper than big industrial robots, additionally they are easier to program and use. Therefore, it is also profitable to use them in theRead more

CASE STUDY: AI – from a feasibility study to a sustainable solution in production

In recent months, Sennheiser has focused on optimizing its existing AI models and services. The monitoring of the AI models has been significantly expanded and a good method has been found to detect whether an AI model is still performing correctly or whether it needs to be retrained. The re-training is partly automated, the triggeringRead more


The official registration for the conference: Pick up your name batch, take a Polaroid photo for the Community Wall, use your personalized matchmaking app, make first contacts & plan meetings, and get started.Welcome to the Rethink! Smart Manufacturing Europe 2023!Read more

CASE STUDY: Machine to Cloud – why you need Partner Networks for your shopfloor digitalisation

How to make your machine data available without actually changing it Integration of sophisitcated, additional sensors to expand your machines perception without actually changing it What to do with this data? Outlook and potential applications How to realise such a (complex) project? With Partner Networks!  Core Questions and discussion: Which benefits does a customerRead more

(4) Smart Factory Café: Selection of smart factory uses cases through a standardized framework

Selecting the right use cases is crucial for the successful digitization of production  Which use cases are you working on in your companies? What criteria are used to select the relevant use cases in the companies? How do you find the right solution providers?Read more


Enjoy an afternoon refreshment and take a look at the latest developments regarding mobile plant management tools and application in the context of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing.Read more

Wrap Up Day 2 and Closing Remarks by we.CONECT Global Leaders and the Conference Chair

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